Craft Lake City 2012 Exhibitors

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PorCause Design



About: I have an obsession with turning nothing into something. I love figuring out how to make a ball of yarn into socks or a brick of clay into a skull. Through all the hard work and trials of error it brings me such joy to see the end product exactly as I knew it could be. I live for the end product it's always exciting to see it's full potential.
I was born and raised in the wonderful city of San Francisco and had inspiring art teachers in high school. I continued my education at the University of Utah and graduated in Painting and Drawing and Child Psychology. I now teach as a pre-school and spanish teacher in Salt Lake City. I continue to find new challenges in turning nothing into something fabulous!!!

Craft genres: [/Jewelry/][/Mixed Media/][/Repurposed/Upcycled/]




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